OLHC News Week 6 Term 1 2022
Principal Report
Positive Start
Lent - First Week
Hearing Awareness Week
Senior Class - Learning About Erosion
Library Day
Mass Details
Financial Assistance Information
DHHS Voluntary Survey re: Covid
Lunch Orders - Monday and Fridays
Calendar Dates
Schoolzine App...SZapp
Parent Access Module (PAM)
Simon Everywhere APP
COVID-19 reminders...
Community News
Strengthening Parent Support Program
Principal Report

Dear Parents, Friends, and Carers,
School Closure Day - next Friday, 11th March
Staff will be completing their First Aid, CPR, Asthma, and Anaphylaxis training next Friday.
No students are to come to school on Friday 11 March.
A reminder that Monday 14th March is the Victorian Labour Day holiday - this is a School Closure Day. NO STAFF OR STUDENTS TO COME TO SCHOOL.
There will be a Parents and Friends meeting in the very near future. We need to have a representative from each family at this meeting. The purpose of the meeting will be to sort out office bearers (as this group is a sub-committee of the SAC). At this meeting, there needs to also be a brainstorm of possible family events we can hold to reconnect families and allow people to get to know each other. Let's move the focus of the Parents and Friends to one of having fun, families engaging and interacting rather than fundraising all the time. Our relationships with each other are far more important, especially since the impact of the global pandemic. Katelyn and/or Sophie will post meeting details on the P&F Facebook messenger group page. This will be a nighttime meeting and let's aim for 100% attendance from each family.
Working Bee - A date for all your diaries is Sunday 27th March. We will be holding our annual working bee. The working bee will start at 10 am and be for 2 hours. Lunch (finger food) will be provided. Last year, every family was represented one way or another. Even the families that could not make the Sunday, helped out on another day that suited them. It was amazing what we achieved in tidying up the yard. Closer to the date, a list will be compiled of the necessary jobs and equipment needed. So please watch this space.
Important Dates for your diary:
- Working Bee - Sunday 27th March - 10 am start.
- Grade 3/4 Camp - Sunny Stones Camp Term 3 – Wk3 on Wednesday 27th July, Thursday 28th July, Friday 29th July.
- Grade 5/6 Camp - Melbourne Urban Camp Term 4 – Wk3 on Wednesday 19th October, Thursday 20th October, Friday 21st October.
- School Athletic Sports - Friday 1st April at Murtoa Recreation Reserve. Our school is hosting the Sports this year so we will be asking our Parents and Friends to run the Canteen.
- School Cross Country - Thursday 28th April beginning at Rabl Park.
More information about the above events will be in the newsletter once details have been finalized.
Until next week Kind regards
Mrs. Cathy Grace
St Paul VI Parish Wimmera-Mallee Survey
The St Paul VI Parish Council are wanting your feedback on how you, as a Parishioner, feel they are going at the moment.
The Parish Council is hoping you may be able to find the time to complete the short questionnaire they have compiled so they can get a sense of what is working well and the areas in which they need to improve.
To provide your feedback simply enter the following web address into your internet browser and complete the survey- https://forms.gle/8BGh1ZL9SJWffNn46 , or use the link button below.
Parishioners have until Sunday the 20th of March to provide feedback.
Positive Start
The Victorian Government has provided information on the Positive Start in 2022 initiative, which offers students in all low-fee Catholic schools a chance to reconnect with peers and enjoy the kinds of activities that many missed out on over the past two years.
With Positive Start, Victorian students will be more active, reconnect with friends, and find inspiration in new and exciting places.
Holiday camps
Eligible parents and/or carers can book a free holiday camp for their child who is in Year 3 or above.
Holiday camps give children a positive and fun experience away from the regular holiday routine.
Whether a single overnight experience or spending several nights away, taking part in a school holiday camp program is a great way for your child to try new things, make new friends and enjoy active time in the great outdoors.
If students wish to go to a holiday camp, parents and carers will need to book. Schools do not organise these camps for students.
To be eligible for free holiday camps, students must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- attend a school that experienced closures of five days or more due to COVID-19 in 2021
- have an approved Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) application for 2022
- have a parent who holds a valid means-tested concession card
- are Indigenous students
- reside in out-of-home care (temporary or permanent)
- are from a refugee background
- are students with a disability.
All of our students would qualify based on the first dot point listed above. Some will meet several of the criteria listed.
More information about this initiative can be found here, or by using the link button below.
An expression of interest letter will be emailed to all families next week. The letter outlines how families can express an interest in their child attending a free holiday camp.
Families must register their interest by Friday 25 March 2022 to be considered.
Ash Wednesday
On Wednesday Our Lady's welcomed members of our community to an Ash Wednesday Liturgy and our beginning or year liturgy. Our students did a wonderful job with their readings and reflecting on their Lenten promises.
As Our Lady's students (and staff as co-learners) are learning AUSLAN as a second language this year, the children all welcomed our visitors using sign language.

Badge Presentation to School Leaders
At our beginning of year liturgy our new School Leaders, Chloe and Navraj and also our Media Leaders Maeve and Sienna were officially congratulated and presented with their badges.

Lent - First Week

First Week of Lent
(Week beginning Monday 7th March)
We begin our annual Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in a small village in southern Mozambique. She began to take on more and more adult responsibilities as her mother has chronic health issues. She did most of the household chores and had to travel up to five hours every day to collect clean water. Water scarcity also meant that harvests were poor and there was never enough to eat.
With your support, Caritas Australia’s local partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe, was able to help Anatercia’s family to irrigate their farm to improve their food security. They also improved water access for households in the village, delivered sustainable farming training, and provided Anatercia with essential school supplies.
Anatercia’s health, education and quality of life have improved, along with the outlook of her whole community for all future generations.
Watch a short film about Anatercia’s story here.
Please support Project Compassion: lent.caritas.org.au

Hearing Awareness Week
Hearing Awareness Week is from March 1 to 7. It is an annual event that highlights the issues affecting Australians living with hearing loss. The day is a vital part of the ongoing effort by the government of Australia and its N.G.O.s to improve the issues that people with hearing loss face. Did you know 3.5 million Australians aged 15 and over, which represents 22% of its population, have mild to severe hearing issues? An average of one in six Australians has a hearing disability. The day aims to spread awareness about the positive impact of looking after our hearing health, which contributes to our quality of life, social engagement, career, confidence, and communication.
We have spent time learning about the different parts of our ears and how we need to look after our ears so we keep our hearing. We have continued to learn more AUSLAN and are beginning to have a conversation with another person in AUSLAN. Today we have a very special visitor facilitating AUSLAN. Her name is Buffy Harrison. She is profoundly deaf and she will be sharing her story and communicating with us using AUSLAN. Buffy is supporting all of us as we continue our journey Co-Learners of AUSLAN.

Senior Class - Learning About Erosion
Yesterday the Senior Class was learning about erosion. We made a sand mountain and blew on it to see wind erosion. Then we poured water on it to see water erosion.
We talked about erosion caused by ice, such as glaciers. Then we looked at wave erosion and how this makes rocks and sand. We are looking at how heat can cause erosion.

Wind erosion

Rain erosion

River erosion

Wave erosion
Library Day

This year our library day is Thursday. The children are able to have three books borrowed at a time. Please remind them to bring back any library books on a Thursday so they can return them, and borrow more.
Mass Details

Mass: St Mary's Church, Murtoa
Sunday 6th March
8:30 am
Financial Assistance Information
DHHS Voluntary Survey re: Covid
The Victorian Department of Health has launched the first state-wide survey of parent and guardian attitudes and perceptions towards COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 5-11 in Victoria.
The data gathered in this survey will enhance the pathways and resources that support parents and guardians to make decisions about COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination services for 5-11 year olds.
The target audience for this survey is parents and guardians of 5-11 year old children across Victoria. We encourage all parents or guardians with 5-11 year old children to complete the survey, regardless of whether their children have or have not been vaccinated.
The link to complete the survey is available here or via https://dhhschange.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d4ncDp5KSx8GnlA.
The survey will be open until 5pm AEDT on 17 March 2022.
Completion of the survey is voluntary. The survey is entirely confidential, and all data will be handled in accordance with the Department of Health Privacy Statement
Thank you for your support.
Naomi Bromley
Deputy Secretary COVID-19 Vaccination, COVID-19 Response Department of Health and Human Services | 50 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000
w. www.dhhs.vic.gov.au
Lunch Orders - Monday and Fridays
This term lunch orders will be on Monday and Fridays. These will be provided by the Murtoa College Canteen. Below is the updated Canteen list. To order your child a lunch order, please write your child's name, class, and lunch order items. The correct money needs to be placed in the envelope. It would be appreciated if you could put some sticky tape around the envelope to keep the money secure. Children then need to place their lunch order envelope in the green lunch order basket in the hallway before 9 am.
Calendar Dates
Please click on the link below to take you directly to our School Calendar.
Schoolzine App...SZapp
To make it easier for parents to access the newsletter and other communication you can download the Schoolzine App. It's called SZapp and it's available from the App store (Apple devices) or Google Play store (Android devices).
Please click on the link below for instructions on how to set it up on your device.
The above link has step by step instructions on how to install the app on your chosen device and how to register yourself as a user so then you can find our school.

Parent Access Module (PAM)
We strongly encourage parents to use the Parent Access Module PAM (SIMON Everywhere) to inform us of student absences. These notes can be set in advance (if, for example, you know that your child will be absent a week in the future). Notes written in the diary are for communicating with teachers. Absent notes need to be directed to the office.
Please speak with office staff if you have any questions about PAM.
Simon Everywhere APP

The Simon Everywhere app delivers instant notifications to parents' mobile phones, delivering the functionality of PAM (SIMON Parent Access Module) in an easy to navigate app.
We request that all parents please download the Simon Everywhere app, search and add Our Lady Help of Christians Primary School, Murtoa and log in using your existing PAM credentials.
We will use Simon Everywhere for all important notifications.
You will be able to manage all your day-to-day school needs from the Simon Everywhere app - notify us of absences, view the lunch orders menu, read the newsletter ...
Please contact the office with any questions.
COVID-19 reminders...

Our school continues to monitor and abide by all COVID safe regulations and recommendations issued by the State Government and the Catholic Education Office.
Rapid Antigen Tests - RAT Tests have been handed out to families. Thank you to the families that have tested their children and let the school know the result. These tests are voluntary - It is suggested children are tested twice weekly (eg. mid-week and end of the week). We will continue to distribute RAT tests to students when they arrive.
Face Masks - Students in Year 3 and above must wear a facemask indoors, unless a lawful exemption applies - Students are not required to wear a mask outside - School staff must wear a face mask in all indoor settings, except where removal of a mask is necessary for effective communication of teaching. All visitors to the school-aged 8 or above must wear a mask unless a lawful exemption applies. Students in Prep to Grade 2 a strongly encouraged to wear a mask indoors at school. A face mask must cover the nose and mouth. Face shields, scarves, or bandanas do not meet these requirements. (Please see information above in the Principal report).
COVID Safe requirements for visitors and volunteers performing work on school site
Visitors and volunteers performing work on school sites (both inside and outdoors) are required to have received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by 25 February 2022 if they became fully vaccinated on or before 25 October 2021. For those that became fully vaccinated after 25 October 2021, the deadline is 15 March 2022, or have a valid medical exception.
This requirement applies to:
- a person contracted to work at an education facility and who will or may be in close proximity to children, students, or staff, whether or not engaged by the education operator including casual relief teachers, NDIS providers, and auditors (but does not include delivery personnel).
- the diocesan education office staff who attend an education facility (such as allied health personnel)
- the staff of any other entity who attends an education facility
- volunteers that attend an education facility and that work in close proximity to children, students, or staff (including parent helpers)
- students on placements at an education facility.
Schools must advise visitors and volunteers they must adhere to COVIDSafe requirements –
including vaccination, physical distancing, face mask requirements, cough etiquette, and good
hand hygiene.
Other visitors to schools (not performing work)
Service Victoria QR code check-in is not required at schools. Routine school visitor record
keeping arrangements will continue to apply.
In Victorian Catholic schools, parents, carers and other adult visitors who enter school buildings must be able to show evidence of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine or have a valid medical exception.
The following limited exceptions also apply:
- when attending to administer medical treatment to their own child when the treatment
cannot be administered by the school - when attending to collect their child who is unwell and cannot leave the school
building unaccompanied by their parent/carer - when attending for a momentary period that does not involve any sustained contact
with staff or students, for example, to collect a completed art project, collecting a
packet of rapid antigen test or similar.
Proof of vaccination can be checked by a COVID-19 digital certificate (Service Victoria app or smartphone wallet) or printed copy of a digital certificate or immunisation history statement.
Community News
Hello NetSetGO families! Great news, our registrations for NSG are open! Please see the link below.NetSetGO is aimed at school aged children between 5-10. Training will start the first Thursday of term 2 on the 28th April. Kristy Davo will be taking on the SET/GO girls again and we have a few 15s girls eager to develop our NET group of girls. There’s a few changes this year, including the platform on which you register. It’s very simple but please be aware you will need to create a new user. Don’t try and use your old passwords to login! The information I have is that after you register, you will receive an email with a voucher to receive your NSG pack. So this is a little different too. Please if you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact me.Can’t wait to see the girls on the court

Join Tania Kernaghan for a very special ‘up close and personal’ performance as she shares with you the stories behind her hit songs which have been instrumental in shaping her stellar career.
You’ll love hearing, The Verandah, Where The Murray Meets The Darling, Nine Mile Run and everyone’s favourite, Boys In Boots, along with a couple of old favourites Tania has handpicked to perform especially for this Seniors Festival concert..
Save the Date!
Yarriambiack Seniors Concert
Monday 28 March
Concert: 10:30am -11:30am
Lunch: 12pm (BBQ meat and salads)
FREE event for the Over 50s
Warracknabeal Racecourse
More details to follow in coming weeks.
For more information contact Lisa on (03) 5398 0100 or linkster@yarriambiack.vic.gov.au.

Australian Catholics Magazine
The Autumn 2022 Schools Edition of Australian Catholics is out now - at the following link:
Strengthening Parent Support Program
The Strengthening Parent Support Program encourages the families and carers of a child with a disability or developmental delay to build support networks with other families in their local area. We provide parents with the opportunity to meet other local families in a supportive, relaxed setting where they can socialize, share information or take part in training programs to support them in their caring role. The child is not required to have a formal diagnosis for parents and carers to attend. We generally meet for an informal lunch (which is provided by our program) once a month but also run many other activities/events in the region which everyone can attend.