OLHC News Issue 9 Term 1 Week 9 - 28th March 2025
Principal Report
Lifelong benefits of attending a Catholic School
New Build Update and Photos
Fourth Sunday of Lent - Project Compassion
Science Materials needed
Stations of the Cross
Junior Science News
DSSA Athletics
Dunmunkle Cross Country
Child Safety
School TV
Important Upcoming Dates:
Mass Times & Parish Information
Parish Bulletin
Community News

Our Lady Help of Christians is a Child Safe School and is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We acknowledge the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia, and Japagulk peoples as the traditional custodians of the land upon which our school was built.
Principal Report

Dear Parents and Friends of Our Lady's,
I've spent some time this week with fellow principals from across the DOBCEL network and I always find these days beneficial and encouraging. Belonging to a system of schools allows each school to benefit from the others, and to benefit from the expertise, resources, and wisdom coming from our offices in Ballarat, Horsham, Mildura and Warnambool.
What struck me most this time around was the great work that is done in our schools right across the diocese. When one school succeeds and does good work, we share in that success and benefit from the initiative. Good resources, best practices, expert teaching, and strong leadership are generously shared. For our school here at Our Lady's, this means equitable access for our students to the best that can be offered in teaching and learning, as well as networks and pathways for those requiring extra support in their development. No longer do country schools have to experience the 'tyranny of distance' that means missing out unfairly or lowering aspirations.
This is why I continue to draw your attention to the article below highlighting the lifelong benefits of a Catholic Education. Because our offering is so good, we at Our Lady's, and across our whole DOBCEL system, work hard to ensure there are no barriers to those desiring a Catholic Education in one of our schools. Our Lady Help of Christians School is low fee, high support, best practice, and holistic. We work with our families to ensure their children are cared for at their point of need, and we staff our school to ensure we can meet those needs. We have also purchased a school bus to make our offering freely available to those families in Horsham and surrounds who desire a Catholic Education but cannot access one because the DOBCEL school there is so popular it is full.
I encourage all who read this newsletter to spread the word about our school, its new phase coming up from Term 2 (with the new building), the good work we do here, and the benefits for families who choose our system. I do my best to be available to parishioners, locals from Murtoa, and interested families from the region, and will always find the time to show you around our school, talk with you about our curriculum and pedagogy, and share with you the work we do in our school.
As always, please come and see me if you would like a tour or conversation.
All the very best,
Chris McCumstie

DOBCEL (Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited) governs Our Lady's and is the system to which our school belongs. After a long period of consultation with principals, school leaders, educationalists, and international experts, DOBCEL has released their 2035 strategy "Pursuing Fullness of Life for All." You can read more about the strategy here or can come in and see me to have a conversation if you'd like more information about the direction of our system.
Lifelong benefits of attending a Catholic School
New research based on data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, reveals that individuals who attended Catholic schools are likely to experience lifelong benefits in employment, general health, and overall life satisfaction.
The study highlights that Catholic schooling offers both personal and community advantages. On average, Catholic school alumni are more likely to be employed and earn higher wages compared to those who attended government schools, with wage differences ranging from 4% to 11%. Additionally, former Catholic school students are more inclined to work in public-serving industries and sectors, and they are more likely to donate to charity. The research also shows that Catholic school attendance positively influences personal health and life satisfaction scores.
Conducted by the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) at Victoria University and commissioned by VCEA, the research adjusts for various individual and family characteristics to specifically isolate the impact of Catholic school attendance.
The research shows that an education focused on developing the whole person leads to well-rounded individuals who are prepared to succeed, thrive, and navigate life with confidence, regardless of the path they choose.
As part of the great endeavour of Catholic Education, we can take great pride in the substantial and positive impact this movement has on the lives of students and families as they journey through the educational system.
A copy of the full report is available on the DOBCEL website, and you can also watch a video featuring lead researcher for the report, Mr. Andrew Wade.
New Build Update and Photos
We can't wait to show people through and use our new space!

Fourth Sunday of Lent - Project Compassion

Luke 15:1–3. 11–32
One of the most beautiful expressions in the Bible comes from the prophet Ezekiel (Ezk 11:19). ‘Thus says the Lord, I will take their hearts of stone and give them hearts of flesh.’ It is a call to be tender and compassionate.
You would need a heart of stone not to be affected by the stories we encounter today. Most of us have heard the story of the two sons in today’s Gospel over and over. The brilliance of the way Jesus tells stories is that it still gets under our skin. Here are two young men who think they can live on their own terms. One has a sense of entitlement and demands his share of his father’s estate which he then squanders. He is finally prepared to eat humble pie and find his way home. The other son has a different sense of entitlement. He believes that his hard work and reliability should provide him with a greater share of his father’s love. At different times in our life, we can relate more to one or other of these people. Jesus implies that they are both blind to the way God’s love works and that they both need to grow. They have both been dead and now must come to life.
The story we encounter this week is also deeply moving. Irene, aged 25, lives in the Kongolo region in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Her father was killed during a war and Irene lived with her mother on very meagre resources, often going hungry for extended periods of time. Irene first became pregnant as a teenager and later had to raise her two children on her own, with the support of her mother. As a single mother, it was challenging for Irene to care for her two sons without a stable income.
Irene’s life changed after she participated in the Youth Capacity Strengthening program, run by Caritas Australia’s partner, Caritas Kongolo. Through the program, she undertook training in sewing and livestock farming, enabling her to generate income to support her family.
Our second reading today reminds us that we are ‘ambassadors for Christ.’ St Paul says, ‘for anyone who is in Christ, there is a new creation.’ Let us all be part of building that new creation, setting the world to rights as best we can. Our part is to reach out in compassion and love to heal the wounds of the whole human family. Let us all Unite Against Poverty as pilgrims of hope in this Year of Jubilee.
Students were invited to take home a Project Compassion box. There is no expectation that families must participate in Project Compassion but the option of making a monetary donation is available to you. There are two ways to contribute donations to the box. First, parents and families can place any donations they are able to into the box. Second, if students earn pocket money through chores, they have the option to donate some of that money as well.
Students are asked to bring back their Project Compassion boxes next week. Miss Kirby will collect the boxes and take them to the Easter Mass.
Prayer of Intercession
We pray for those driven away from their homes by violence, persecution or poverty, especially women. May our hearts be open to do all we can to rebuild the lives of others through supporting Caritas Australia and the work of Project Compassion. May we be instruments of God’s peace and pilgrims of hope.
Science Materials needed

Seniors are learning/studying materials in Science. One of their activities is to build a tiny house in a shoe box., with an emphasis on recycling, sustainability and low cost. To assist with the activity, Mrs. Woods would appreciate donations of the following -
- Shoe box or a small box, postage box, cereal box
- newspaper
- cardboard
Any spare materials you have at home would be greatly appreciated. Please send them along to school next Monday.
Stations of the Cross

This week we prayed the Stations of the Cross with Mons Glynn.
Mons spoke beautifully about the Way of LOVE that Jesus undertook for us all, and about the symbolism of the cross. The vertical beam is God's love for us, and the horizontal beam is our love for one another.
Thank you to those community members and parishioners who joined us in this beautiful prayer. It was a joy to be in St. Marys Murtoa, admiring and praying with the stations of the cross.
Thank you to Miss Kirby for arranging the stations as the Religious Education Leader at Our Ladys, and to Mons Glynn for leading the prayer.
A reminder to please look at the Parish Bulletin for Easter Services, including those held at St. Marys.

Junior Science News

Students are nearing the conclusion of the "Changing Materials Science" unit. This week, they explored how various materials change when cooled. They observed that substances like yoghurt, milk, fruit juice, and water underwent changes as they cooled, while others, such as chocolate syrup and oil, remained in their original state.
DSSA Athletics

The Dunmunkle Cluster School Athletics will be held on Friday 4th April at Minyip Recreation Reserve. Students have been practising often to become familiar with all the events.
Students need to arrive at the oval by 8.45 am and parents are responsible for transport to and from the event. The sports will officially begin at approximately 9.00 am. (TBC). Minyip Primary School is the host school and will be running the Canteen.
- Parents are responsible for taking their children to the Sports at Minyip. If any parent anticipates difficulty transporting their children to and from the event, the school bus is available. Please let us know in advance and we can arrange for transport.
- All students need to be at Minyip Recreation Reserve (located at Foundry Street, Minyip) by 8.45 am.
- On arrival please report to Mr. McCumstie, Miss Kirby and Mrs. Woods
- Students need to wear their school uniform including shorts for competing
- Warm clothes including a coat would be advisable
- Programs will be sent home prior to the Sports Day
- At the end of the day, parents need to notify teachers that they are taking their children home
The Athletics program will be sent home prior to the Sports Day. The Sports format will be similar to last year - Sprints & Hurdles first, followed by field events, 800 metres for 10, 11 & 12-year-olds, and relays after the lunch break. Presentations and closing ceremony will conclude the day. The day should be completed by approximately 2 pm or soon after.
Students need to wear their school sports uniform. All students need to have a cut lunch and a drink bottle with water. During the running of events, students are not to be going to the Canteen. Students may visit the Canteen accompanied by their parent/carer during the lunch break. Parents are welcome to purchase items from the canteen and take them to their child at an event.
Further information is outlined in the Athletics Program - so please take the time to read this when your child brings it home. Please remember to bring your program to the sports as there will not be copies available on the day.
Dunmunkle Cross Country

The Dunmunkle Cross Country will be held at Rabl Park, Murtoa on Friday 2nd May at 1.30pm. Students turning 10, 11 and 12 by 31st December 2025, will be eligible to run. Our Lady's is the host school for the event and schools within the areas of Murtoa, Rupanyup, Marnoo, and Minyip participate.
10 year old boys and girls run 2 kilometres, and 11 and 12 year old boys and girls run a distance of 3 kilometres.
Medals will be presented to students who come in first place for each age group. Students who qualify for the next level - Black Ranges Cross Country to be held at Lord Nelson Park St Arnaud on Wednesday 14th May - will be notified after the Dunmunkle Cross Country.
Child Safety
Our Lady Help of Christians is a Child Safe School. We implement the 11 Child Safe Standards, and work to embed these in our school culture. Our newsletter is just one place among a number where we educate our community about Child Safety. Below is a concise and helpful guide to the Child Safe Standards. The Child Safety Officer at OLHC is Chris McCumstie, and he can be contacted for information at any time.
School TV
The SchoolTV initiative at Our Lady Help of Christians School aims to help parents to navigate the often complex issues they face in raising their children.
Expert advice, helpful tips, and other resources, are available to all our parents and caregivers. Explore the wide range of topics at SchoolTV by clicking on the link below.
Important Upcoming Dates:
April 2025
- Friday 4th - DSSA Athletics at Minyip
- Friday 4th - Last Day of Term 1
- Thursday 17th- Holy Thursday (See parish bulletin for service dates)
- Friday 18th - Good Friday (See parish bulletin for service dates)
- Saturday 19th - Easter Vigil (See parish bulletin for service dates)
- Sunday 20th - Easter Sunday (See parish bulletin for service dates)
- Monday 21st - Easter Monday Public Holiday (no school)
- Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th - Student Free Days
- Friday 25th - ANZAC Day Public Holiday (no school)
- Monday 28th - First Day Term 2
May 2025
- Thursday 1st May - MSO - Brilliant Brass Horsham Town Hall 10am
- Friday 2nd May - Dunmunkle Cross Country 1.30pm
- Wednesday 14th - Student Free Day (School closed- all staff PD in Horsham)
- Wednesday 14th May - Black Ranges Cross Country Lord Nelson Park, St. Arnaud
- Friday 16th May - CEP Excursion TBC
- Monday 26th - Student Free Day (Staff PD in Nhill)
June 2025
- Tuesday 17th June - Imagine (Live Show) Horsham Town Hall 11.00am
July 2025
- Friday 4th July - Last Day of Term 2
- Monday 21st July - First Day of Term 3
September 2025
- Thursday 18th September - Last Day of Term 3
- Friday 19th September - Pupil Free Day - Staff PD
October 2025
- Monday 6th October - First Day of Term 4
December 2025
- Thursday 18th December - Last Day of Term 4
Mass Times & Parish Information

Saturday 29th March 2025, Mass at 6.30pm at St. Mary's Catholic Church.
2025 Sacramental Program
Reconciliation – Holy Communion – Confirmation
Reconciliation & Holy Communion is available to children in Year 4 and above.
Confirmation is available for children in Year 6 and above who have
completed Reconciliation & Holy Communion.
If you would like more information or to enrol your child, please visit the Parish Office
at 10 Roberts Ave or Email: wimmeramallee@ballarat.catholic.org.au
Parish Bulletin
Community News
See the attached flyers for initiatives that may interest from groups in and around Murtoa.